Serving Blue Point & Surrounding Towns since 1992
At Ducky Pond Pre-school, we believe that every child is a unique individual. Primary learning in the preschool years comes through play and engagement in a fully inclusive environment. It is our goal to help each child reach their full potential, through the excitement of discovery. We learn together, while recognizing individual needs.

Our Program
Learning Through Play
Our classrooms are filled with educational toys and materials that engage the different ages and personalities of the children. No matter what your child’s interests are or what their personality types may be, we offer something for everyone and they are sure to build upon their skills and explore new territory to further expand their knowledge and personality.

Outdoor Playground
Our large outdoor playground includes slides, tunnels, trucks, play houses, and sand pit for children to explore the great outdoors.

Children express themselves through performances and events during Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, outdoor Field Day, and Graduation.

Field Trips
Children and parents explore farms in the fall, with pumpkin picking, hayrides, and animals. In the Spring they venture through the aquarium or theatre performance.